I Am Alive Because of Natural Rx

I absolutely mean this literally. Long story short, I have six autoimmune diseases. Life was challenging even before a deadly, global pandemic.

After years of misdiagnosis’ I began to study several areas of natural and holistic medicine, initially so that I may save my own life. Eventually, so I may save others’ lives. This involved learning Ancient Chinese Medicine, which is still the #1 diagnostic tool that I used to pinpoint what organs were gliching.

What difference is a disease name if you don’t treat the root of the problem? Lupus, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, it doesn’t matter. The organs that the diseases damage; that is what matters. Treating inflammation as the root of almost every autoimmune disease is also what matters.

From Chinese Medicine I learned herbalism in order to most efficiently treat the problems. And lastly I dove into physiology and nutrition to best understand the composition of our bodies and the nourishment we provide them.

At this point I have developed many protocols for dealing with viruses, weakened immune systems, inflammation, dietary restrictions, skin sensitivity issues, in addition to fungal and bacterial infections. I have spent the past year perfecting an inflammation diet that is easy to use and customizable. I employ a variety of diagnostic tools as well as medicines to counteract chronic illness. I use superfoods, herbal tinctures, vitamin supplements, smoothie and juice therapy and stress management techniques.

I am a firm believer that the use of natural medicine is more effective, efficient and more gentle than many traditional medical approaches to these under-researched diseases.

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